Logan chasing after more girls!
Friday, September 25, 2009
At the mall...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Too naive to continue...
Bubbles, Bubbles everywhere!
So I've been shopping for party supplies for Aiden's Birthday Party (Oct 12) and one of them was a bubble machine. I couldn't wait, so we filled it up and the boys went CRAZY!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I love my husband....
Monday, September 21, 2009
Loggie's Halloween Costume!
For Halloween, I decided Logan's still young enough to be something cute, like a pumpkin!
So here he is without the shorts on...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Andes!!!
Congratulations to Michael and Alyse! They were sealed in the Mesa Arizona Temple on Friday, September 18Th.
Daniel and I were invited to the reception, and let me tell you, It's a whole different experience WITHOUT KIDS!! It was nice to be just a couple for one night! Thank you Julie!!
Alyse feeding Mike their cake. Which was very pretty, by the way!
The reception was beautiful!! Lights, and flowers and decor everywhere. It was very beautifully done! (sorry some of the pics are dark!)
Daniel had just bought me this dress, so I wore it to the reception. It was nice not being a mom that night. Thanks again, Julie!! and Congrats again, Mike and Alyse!
My models...this is for you Aunt Cindy!
Logan had just taken a bath. He's my little burrito boy!
Aiden watching "Yo Gabba Gabba" It's a nice close up but you can see drool on his chin!! Silly boy!
10 ~ 27 ~ 07
... Families are Forever ...