Daniel and Samantha Phillips

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 28, 2013

What if batteries ran on prayers...

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. 

Every morning, I wake up and get my children fed, clothed, and ready for the day (2 out of 3 are in school.) And then,  when I am not out running errands, or rather, AFTER I return from running errands, I clean. 

I do the dishes and take out the trash. I do the never-ever-ending laundry: clean, switch, fold, and put away. I tidy bedrooms and vacuum. 
And on extra special days, I mop the floors, and scrub the showers and toilets.
And on my "coffee breaks" I role play. I play chef and chauffeur.

Every single day. 
It's always there, and always needs to be done.

Don't get me wrong, not only was I fully aware of the job description of "homemaker," but I gladly accepted it. This is the life I dreamed of having.
 I truly am happier than I thought I could be. I am happy to be a wife and a mother.
But I am only human, and we are full of emotions. 
Frustration, happiness, fear, anger, doubt, desire... 
I spend my day doing the same thing(s) over and over... But do I expect a different result? No, not really.
 I take out the trash, for instance, unload the dishwasher, or put clean clothes away KNOWING they'll be waiting for me. 
Waiting to greet me in the very near future.

Maybe that's what makes you insane. Not "expecting a different result," but rather, expecting the very same result. Knowing that there will never be any other result. 

Here's what I think:

Being a Homemaker is doing the same things over and over knowing the end result. Knowing it's a never-ending circle...

So, how do you do it day in and day out?

Honestly, sometimes we homemakers get tired. Tired from the never-ending work. My home. These children. Those dishes. That mountain of laundry.  The food that needs to be bought and cooked so that I can do some more dishes and buy some more food to cook and do some more dishes and buy some more food and on and on and on...

I get myself into this mindset and look down at the dirty clothes and plates, and start to feel very unseen. 
 I begin to feel like my identity is 'chore-do-er' and it's all I'll ever be until the day that I die. 
(Poor, me...)

So I pray and ask Heavenly Father for help. And comfort. And guidance. And patience. And peace...
And our loving Father in Heaven does. He comforts me and brings me peace. He guides me and reminds me of the love He has for me...

Thankfully, and rather perfectly planned, our Heavenly Father knows our hearts. 
He knows our struggles, our heartaches, our needs and our desires. 
He knows how hard we mothers work. He is there on the days I feel unappreciated. Feel unnoticed.

He comforts me, and then reminds me to carry on. 
To endure through my struggles. Go to my family and be fully there, and know that every dirty dish and every load of laundry I do, is good.

Someone once explained that when we women are cleaning, doing laundry, bathing our children, making a home- we are doing righteous work. And we will be blessed.

 I am reminded that love is sacrifice. When I serve my family in my calling as mother, knowing Heavenly Fathers great love for me, and knowing that He sees me, I am filled with the Spirit.
 I am filled with joy.
 I know that when I am serving, I am being blessed. And that my family is being blessed because of my efforts.

Prayer recharges me. I get tired, and worn down. 
It's part of life.
 But when I pray, I am renewed. And when I "pray always" my batteries never run too low. 
I have found that when I let myself run dry, get so tired, reach my breaking point- sometimes I forget that prayer is what I need. Prayer is all I need. 
And then it takes longer to recharge.
Lesson learned.

Lesson learned, but will unfortunately be quickly forgotten.
Because I am only human, and we have a terrible memory. 
"Remember, Remember to Pray Always."


... I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me." The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you."

10 ~ 27 ~ 07

10 ~ 27 ~ 07
... Families are Forever ...
